Recipes for Good Living
Welcome to Recipes for Good Living. I am your host, Bonnie McDaniel.There is a difference between existing and living a good life. With all of the challenges we face each day, it is very easy to lose sight of what really matters.This podcast was created to help you to reimagine your life and focus on what it is that brings you joy. In each episode, we will explore the journeys of interesting guests who have uncovered the secrets to good living. Created by lifestyle aficionado, Bonnie McDaniel, she is an author, TV (ABC - Good Morning Washington ) and radio personality , former talk show host (ION Television Network), urban landscape designer and the lover of all things good.
Recipes for Good Living
Surviving Domestic Abuse in the Age of Pandemic
In this episode, Mildred Muhammad, the ex -wife of the infamous DC sniper, shares insight into the "other "crisis that is taking place during America's lockdown as the result of COVID-19. As an advocate for domestic abuse victims, Ms. Muhammad shares valuable information that will certainly help and speak to the silent crisis that is taking place within families around the world.
Ms. Muhammed is an award-winning keynote speaker, having served as an expert speaker for the US Department of State. She is a certified consultant with the US Department of Justice/Office for Victims of Crime, a CNN contributor, domestic abuse survivor, certified domestic violence advocate, advisory board member for the National Resources Center on Domestic Violence, author of 6 books, a trainer and educator.